Three letters from Mollie (Hoy) Cline are preserved in Nina Belle (Thompson) Marshall's collection:

July 25th 1889 to Mollie's niece Nina Thompson. Mentions Mollie's sister Eunie (Eunice) Gill and her family, and Mollie's trip to Rock Point and Pierce's visit to the site of the Johnstown flood disaster.

(undated; probably 1889 or 1890) to Mollie's sister Sue Thompson. Mentions cousin Newton Hoey, who is doing very poorly and not expected to recover; and Lucy Steele and Lucy's son (?) Plumer who may be related to Mollie and/or Newton. Also mentions brothers J. M. (James Matthew) and Martin, sister Ella, sister Lizzie Creighton, and "John" who may be a brother.

December 13, 1892 to Sue Thompson. Discusses proposed visit of Mollie and Sue to sister Ella, who is doing poorly. Mentions Pierce's niece Annie, who can keep house for Mollie while she is away. This may be Annie Hill who married Mollie's brother Martin.